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NG | Abundance Game | Introduction


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NG Abundance Game | Introduction

Note: The introduction presentation is the first 35 mins.

Video TimeStamps:

Time: 00:00 | Welcome to Noble Goldman
Time: 00:20 | Understanding the NG Methodology (Expanding Conscious Awareness)
Time: 04:10 | Understanding the Abundance Game (Game of Life)
Time: 07:50 | Creating a Vision for Your Life. (Finding Your Life Purpose)
Time: 11:10 | Prepare to Play the Abundance Game by Entering Your Goals and Milestones.
Time: 12:03 | Understanding Your Greatest Obstacle & Your Greatest Asset.
Time: 13:45 | Understanding the Daily Abundance Alignment Tool.
Time: 18:09 | Understanding Step 3 & 4 in the Abundance Game. (Study/Productivity)
Time: 18:30 | Getting Connected (Public Masterminds)
Time: 19:05 | Reviewing the First 4 Game Cards. (Understanding the Me)
Time: 19:40 | What is the most effective productive action step to get results?
Time: 24:50 | Understainding Financial Freedom
Time: 25:30 | Understainding M1
Time: 25:30 | Understainding M2
Time: 26:50 | Understainding M3
Time: 31:10 | Understainding The Vault
Time: 35:20 | Q&A Session Begins

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